First, upon payment of your locating services you will receive a call from your vending locator to ascertain your particulars and parameters so that we may begin your locating job. This information can be provided by you, in the form of, zip codes, maps, city or county information, or particular locations you would like to attempt to place your vending equipment at (wish list)..
Keep in mind, that a wish list is exactly that, and that there is no guarantee that your machines will be located at any particular companies requested as that is dependent upon such companies' approval. It is normal that you may be contacted by more than one locator to service your locating job. These may be vending locators that work via telephone and/or by direct locating business to business. Please see this as a sign that we are doing everything possible to complete your job in as efficiently and timely a manner as possible. We often double and triple your locators to accomplish this end.
Usually within a week to two weeks you will receive a potential vending location(s) via telephone or email. You will be expected to visit the location(s) and ascertain its suitability and quality. We will expect you to report back to your locator(s) the outcome of this visit as to your acceptance or rejection of this location(s) so that adjustments can be made, or your next location be found. This helpful feed back is required to better serve you. Failure to cooperate with your locator(s) my slow down or terminate your vending locating service. Should another location need to be found, your locator(s) will set about the task of finding another location. We invite you to stay in frequent contact with your locator(s) by phone and/or email. This process will continue until your vending machine locations have been secured or not.
It must be understood that this process can take literally hundreds of calls upon businesses, and weeks even months, to complete, depending upon the number of vending machines we are locating for you. Although your vending locations may be secured much quicker, we want to you understand the reality of finding quality vending locations.
The good news is that once we have your secured location(s), by simply providing good service to that business it is often possible to keep your machine located there for many years. We have many such locations that are 10 even 15 years old. Based upon that your vending locating services may be a bargain that pays you over and over again for many years to come.
It must be understood that although it is our desire to provide the finest vending machine locating service available, often adding one, two, or more locators to complete your task, there is no absolute guarantee that locations will be found. This is because circumstances beyond our control are involved - the geographical location you wish to locate vending machines in, businesses desiring your equipment and your reasonable expectations of the type of locations available in your area. Therefore it must also be understood that your locating fees are paid for the service of searching for vending locations we provide and not the locations themselves. Your payment constitutes understanding and acknowledgement of the terms set forth herein.
Since 1993 we have worked with hundreds of vendors and have located several thousand vending machines of various types and configurations. You have our commitment to work towards the successful outcome of your locating job as well.